Thursday, May 5, 2016

Scariest Moment In My Life.

Any scary moment for me would be anything that involves darkness, clowns or spiders. Those three things are mostly what I am scared of but I don't show it when I am. The one moment that was actually scariest in my life would have to be when I went to this warehouse, its a place people go on Halloween so its just like a haunted warehouse but I had gone with my sister, my cousins and some of my sisters friends. There were mostly clowns every were inside and outside. They would just make noise inside and be talking to me in my ear it was just creepy. The one thing I did like was that they couldn't touch me and I couldn't touch them which in this case was that I wouldn't be allowed to kick or slap any of them or I would have been kicked out.On the other hand it was also dark , there were only a few lights in the hallways and when you turn the corners they made loud noises to scare you which worked for me!
     I think most people would like to go there but I honestly went in because it was a dare, my dad told me he would get me a new phone if I did go in. Even though he knows I am scared of clowns he also knew  I wanted a new phone. I took the bet and even though I was scared to go in I went in anyways. See for me I don't think the clowns at party's are scary, but when it comes to Halloween some people like to dress up like clowns. They don't dress like regular clowns but instead they dress up like the clowns that would be in a nightmare or something like that. They would have like fake blood all over them and have there face make up in the way a clown in a nightmare would have it. Other than that me and my sister were both not that scared of the clowns there until we went in, but she doesn't like them at all and neither do I.
      There were two things that I liked about going , one of course was that when I got home my dad would buy me a new phone the next day. Putting that a side the other thing I liked about going was that when you were inside there were I guess some clowns inside trying to scare you but they couldn't touch me and I couldn't touch them so in some way that was a relief for me. I mean for me , I think that my sister was more scared than me because in front of us there were people walking and she had pulled a women's hair because she got scared. Inside it got dark and then I guess the noise came in when you turned the corner but I mean the noise scared me and I am guessing that I wasn't the only one that got scared. It had also scared some other people too and not just me, at the end I made it out!